Welcome to Noelle Schwarz Therapy,

your safe, supported, and confidential space to process experiences and emotions within your relationship.

I offer free initial consultations over the phone. Contact me to arrange your first call.

Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling

Exploring Common Issues in Relationships

Individual Psychotherapy

Love is a vessel that contains both security and adventure, and commitment offers one of the great luxuries of life: time. Marriage is not the end of romance, it is the beginning.

— Esther Perel

What is couples therapy and do we need it?

Couples therapy is a form of psychotherapy that can help improve communication skills, resolve conflicts, and strengthen emotional bonds within your relationship. It can also provide a safe space to express your feelings feelings, gain insights into relationship dynamics, and learn healthier coping mechanisms.

If common issues such as lack of communication, frequent arguments, or emotional withdrawal sound familiar - couples therapy could be right for you. Learn more about our services.

Overcoming the stigma together

Societal norms, lack of awareness, and media representation can create stigma around couples therapy, despite its proven effectiveness in improving relationships and enhancing overall well-being.

Understanding and challenging these stigmas with your partner can help you both invest in building and maintaining a healthy thriving relationship together.

Mindfulness in your relationship

Mindfulness is all about being fully present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in the moment, without judgment or attachment.

In relationships, mindfulness can help partners regulate their responses and more fully accept one another, resulting in less negative fallout when conflict arises.

Mindfulness within couples therapy fosters deeper empathy and ultimately, deeper connection.


Noelle Schwarz is a registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of California under the supervision of Christina Weiss (LMFT 100485) of Weiss Psychological Center and Michael Courter (LCSW 61303 ) of Free at Heart Therapy. Learn more here.

If therapy with me looks like a good fit for you, I offer free initial consultations over the phone or online. Contact me to arrange your first visit.